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Tuesday, February 7, 2017


What if the crying need that people have is to know that they are loved? What if upon close examination the Christian sees that this, God kind of love, is very costly? What if the Christian decides to bypass letting the love and life of Yeshua flow through them, and in its place builds a system that pretends to reconcile God to man, without the messiness of "laying down your life"? What if that false system begins to become the "norm" and people associate the God of the Bible with this hulking, clanging, loveless, Bible quoting, powerless pile of crap? Who will fall down on their face and be a people bought with a price, a living sacrifice of intercessory love for those who "know not what they do"? Who will go lower to answer the call of the ministry of reconciliation?

1 comment:

Chuck said...

At the same time, I am very aware that we need to stay in a place of humility and intercession for the sinking ship and we must keep the lifeboats attached to the ship. The warning of Paul in Acts applies here, the sailors were getting ready to abandon ship and Paul warned that they not be allowed to "escape", or there would be loss of life. Praise God our promise is no loss of life. Salvation full and free.