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Friday, December 23, 2016


PG-13 post at least for modern Americans.
Before Moses could lead the people, his sons needed circumcision.
Before Joshua led the nation to their first battle in the Holy land circumcision was ordered.
Circumcision set apart the people of God from the nations that surrounded them.
All the way back to Deuteronomy God made it clear circumcision was about the heart.

The total cutting away of the flesh that is covering the Head.
The total cutting away of my striving and my trying that if it were allowed to succeed would bring glory to me and block the view of the Head.
Early on I studied the beatitudes with a small gathering.  All I got out of it was "I am not living the way this says."
Conviction is a tremendous blessing from God, it reveals the ugliness of the flesh that is blocking the beauty of the Head.
Conviction used to drive me to try harder, NO MORE!
I quit.
By faith I recognize and reckon the truth that in baptism the fact that  I died is sealed and now the very life of Jesus Christ is lived through me by the power of the Holy Spirit.  I no longer live!

This death is renewed day by day, moment by moment.  My flesh can show its ugly self at a moments notice, but I desire a greater and greater dependence on God.  I desire a greater and greater awareness of my weakness and inability.  I desire a deeper transforming revelation of being a beloved son of the Most High.

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