Our overview of what Paul was stating in Romans 6,7,8 is that in 6 Paul is very aware that we are dead to sin and alive in Christ, but in 7, born again Paul stumbles because even though he is a new creation there is still "sin which dwells in me". He is being honest and recognizing the reality of the continuing struggle/war with the flesh. But the key that he finds is don't focus on the sin, don't focus on doing doing doing some work to be free of the sin, (setting boundaries, avoiding, changing patterns, punishing yourself for falling) focus instead on the truth of Romans 6 that you are a new creation, that there is no condemnation, that the life of the son of God flows through you by freely given adoption. The path for the Christian out of sin is to recognize that that is not who I am anymore that is just "sin that dwells in me" but it is not my identity. My identity is "in Christ" and I begin thanking Him for all that He has done to make me a new creation and to put me under the blood of His covenant and to wash me and keep me. 1 Cor. 1:30 "30 But it is from Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became God-given wisdom for us—our righteousness, sanctification, and redemption," HCSB In putting our eyes on Jesus and taking our eyes off the sin, we are truly giving Him all the glory.
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