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Thursday, February 25, 2016

How then shall we live? and How do we do "church"?

So my flesh was a mess today.
Where was my place of rest and trust?

I went for a walk.

This is what I have so far, it is only a beginning.

So we learn our identity who we are in Christ, then we have to learn how to walk in the Spirit, even in the face of loud clanging worldly things, only if we are totally cut off from men either their praise or their hatred, cut off from it in such a way that it does not, cannot rock us from the place of eternal rest and trust. We are dead, dead, dead, and our life is hidden with Christ in God. We only do what we see the Father doing, we are not a “reactor.” We do not react to the people or very very loud situations around us, we are so dead in the flesh and so alive IN CHRIST that we are no longer living our life, but He is free to live His live through me. Finally!

Thoughts on “church”
There are 10 basic lessons:
2 on being “in Adam”
3 on being “in Christ”
3 on walking in the Spirit
1 on the gathering and the gifts
1 on Israel and eschatology

We pray and seek God and in His perfect time He sends us out.

We go out and proclaim the gospel
New converts are drawn by the Father.

New converts are taught the 10 basic lessons.

We pray and seek God and in His perfect time He sends us out.
We all go out to proclaim the gospel.

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