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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

He Lived By the Word of God it starts at about 1 hour and 4 minutes.

Art Katz in the message Absolute Surrender does something I only have heard him do one time in all of the sermons I have listened to.  His voice rises, and rises and becomes a loud shout by the end of this part of the speaking.  
"Your impatience and unwillingness to wait for the revelation of God related to your decision, is because your self-gratification is more important than your obedience to God.  You haven't asked, 'Lord what would you have for me to do?' And not to move until He will answer, even if it kills you, because you love Him so much that obedience to Him is much more important than your own gratification.  You will stay by the brook and be fed by the ravens even till the stream dries up. 'But Art we've got common sense, the stream is drying up, we need to make some other type of preparation, we've got to find some other source of supply.'
Elijah never moved by such reckonings as that.  He would prefer to perish by a stream that had dried up, than that he should initiate by his own skull some other course of action...He did not move until the word of the Lord came unto him saying, 'Arise and get thee to Zarephath Sidon for I have commanded a widow woman there to feed thee.' So he arose and went and did according to the word of the Lord.
He didn't live by streams,
He didn't live by circumstance,
He didn't live by human logic and reason,
He lived by the word of God!  (and there is no other living than that.)"

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