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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Israel, Covenant, End Times Part 3

David Baron, in his commentary on Zechariah (written in 1918, 30 years before the nation of Israel was brought into existence again) speaks of God's Covenant purpose for this people and this land.  Mr. Baron gives as his second reason for studying Zechariah, the fact that it throws light on the events of the last times preceding the great and terrible "Day of the Lord."   quoting
"The presence in Palestine of a representative remnant of the Jewish people in a condition of unbelief; the fiery furnace of suffering into which they are there to be thrown; their great tribulation and anguish occasioned by the final siege of Jerusalem by the confederated Gentile armies under the headship of him in whom both Jewish and Gentile apostasy is to reach its climax; how in the very midst of their final sorrow the spirit of grace and supplication shall be poured upon them, and they shall look upon Him who they have pierced and mourn; how this blessed One whom they so long rejected shall suddenly appear as their Deliverer, and His feet stand "in that day" on the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east;  How God shall again say "Ammi"  (my people) to the nation which during the long centuries of their unbelief were 'Lo-Ammi' (not My people)  and how Israel shall joyously respond, "Jehovah, my God" ; how Israel's Messiah shall speak peace to the nations and Israel himself enter at last on his priestly mission to the people for which he was originally destined, and Jerusalem become the center of God's fear and worship for the whole earth."
That bold part is the covenant.  God will fulfill this during the one thousand year reign.

The warning of Matthew 10:23-25 holds true.  Suffering, Death, Resurrection, the pattern of the Messiah, is the pattern of the people who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

For further study for those who are seriously into getting into the meat of these things, I give you this from Reggie Kelly.  (

Jeremiah is using the same language and terms of the former prophets, particularly Isaiah and Micah to describe a final great tribulation and travail of the nation that would transition into the kingdom of God (Isa 13:6-8; 26:16-17; 66:8; Mic 5:3 with Jer 30:6-7). The time is unmistakably the Day of the Lord salvation of Israel. 

With nearly exactly the same language that Jeremiah uses to describe the time of unequaled trouble that ends in the salvation of the Israel, Daniel speaks of the time of unequaled trouble in connection with the resurrection (Dan 12:1-2), including his own (Dan 12:13). Daniel has given us the decisive interpretation of the time of Jacob's trouble. It is the unequaled tribulation that occurs just before the dead are raised. It begins with the removal of a sacrifice (Dan 9:27; 12:11) and ends with Messiah's return to destroy the self exalting prince whom Paul will call, 'the Man of Sin" (Dan 11:36-37 with 2Thes 2:4). 

There can be no mistake. The connection of things is clear. Daniel applies Isaiah's, Micah's, and Jeremiah's description of an age ending 'travail of Zion' to the last half of the seventieth seven. Regardless of how it is used or applied by different schools of interpretation, it is agreed by all that the tribulation is represented as a short period of approximately 3 1/2 years (Dan 7:25; 9:27; 12:7, 11).

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