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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

lord lord did we not...

my reply to another bloggers question how to NOT hear the dreaded saying of Jesus..
I never knew you

Oh God deliver us from the subtle deception that Your gift is "my" gift. Deliver us from choosing an expedient program, over humbly waiting on You. Forgive us for leaving our first love, our bridal love, for You and becoming adulterers with the gifts You give. Purify the sons of Levi, with the flame of Your love and Your two-edged sword judge, reveal and heal the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. Give us hearts that choose the discipline and judgment today, while it is still light, In Jesus' Name, Amen.



Red Letter Believers said...

Thank you for helping answer that question. We fill our lives with so many Chrisitan 'duties' and activities, that we miss out on "knowing" him.

Read the post at


Chuck said...

It is pure mercy that confronts us with this truth, while we have time to repent. The "hard" sayings are to bring us to repentance. We must not, explain away the hard sayings while clinging to the others.