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Saturday, December 5, 2009

blessed morning and prayer request

What a blessed morning
I read in Numbers, for the first time, (inspite of the fact that i have read it 15 times) that the table of the temple was carried set and with bread on it, when they moved it they set it and left the bread on it covered it and took it with them always set, always with bread on it. Isn't scripture wonderful? Isn't God wonderful?
I read in Ezekiel that God said. "All the trees of the field will know that I am the LORD; I bring down the high tree, exalt the low tree, dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will perform it." Ezekiel 17:24 Sovereign God we worhsip you!
For those who have been reading Ezekiel you knew that He was about to say "I am the LORD", before He said it, because it is one of the themes of the book, that is filled with the righteous judgment of the Lord on a disobedient nation.
Judgment is good news to the righteous and bad news to the disobedient.
I read in Karl Barth's "the epistle to the Romans" that "God is for us" and it hit me in a way that it never has. Thank you God.

the prayer request is for wisdom for two parents who have a hugely difficult decision coming up
their desire is to do whatever the Holy Spirit of God directs them to do. Whichever way the decision goes great courage and great faith will be required to walk it out. "Who is sufficient for these things!!" Paul would cry this out when thinking of his calling and what God had placed before him, and I believe every parent who has been pressed to the place of death by the sin-filled actions of their child can join in that cry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you never cease to amaze me in your humble pursuit of God and the amazing insight, knowledge and revelation HE gives you. --- your grateful wife