We are commanded to set our minds on things that are good. Good things flow from God. Good is a word that Jesus did not let people abuse, challenging the rich young ruler, that "no one is good, but God alone." When we pursue " good" we must end up at God, the source of everything good. The encouragement from God is focus, pursue, be drawn toward what is good. As always His love for us is the motivation for telling us that this is the way of life. Untold troble, pain, and sorrow could be avoided if we pursued "Good" and not evil. It is a swimming against the current of this day, but the Holy Spirit inside of us is faithful to "check" when we are drifting toward evil. Our part is to pick up the grace to allow that "check" to be enough to turn us 180 degrees away from evil and toward good, to the praise of His Name.
Focus on things that are true. Truth identifies and strengthens our love for God. True things withstand scrutiny. True things withstand storms. Truth is so much a part of who God is that Jesus identifies Himself as the Truth. Steadfastness and perseverance proceed from a life that is rooted and grounded in truth. Truth is the hard, narrow way. Lies are told to make things easy, to get around the rules, to supplant God's purposes. Lies are told by people who do not trust God to "have their back." God is true, His words to us are true. Filling our minds with what is true, combats the incursio of the world, the flesh and the devil. Choose to focus on what is true and you will be able to laugh at the lie.
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