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Saturday, August 30, 2008

the whole truth

ok, i'm a little angry because i think that many "teachers" are hiding or holding back the truth in order to make their own view seem right

1 thes 4 is used by many to prove the rapture of the church before the tribulation and that proof hinges on the word translated "meet" in the new testament.

that word meet occurs only 4 times from what i can gather from strongs

Mat 25:1
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps and went forth to meet 529 the bridegroom .
Mat 25:6
And at midnight there was a cry made , Behold , the bridegroom cometh ; go ye out to meet 529 him .
Act 28:15
And from thence , when the brethren heard of us , they came to meet 529 us as far as Appii forum , and The three taverns : whom when Paul saw , he thanked God , and took courage .
1Th 4:17
Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds , to meet 529 the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord .

so in each occurence it is people coming out from a place, a wedding feast, rome, the earth, meeting the person and then returning with that person to where they were.... please selah
stop consider,
so keeping the word "meet" with its true and only meaning all the other times it is used
We meet Christ in the air and then return to earth to watch him win the battle of armaggedon and start the millenial reign. This would be in keeping with the one and only second coming of Christ. This would mean there is no "secret" "approaching" 1/2 way down for a rapture before the start of the tribulation. All the twists and turns necessary to make for a rapture before the tribulation period is bad interpretation of the Bible at best...and at worst it is an evil money-making ear tickling man pleasing "peace, peace" where there is no peace
Rise up Church, prepare for your very important role as a light unto the world for the duration of the tribulation.

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