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Thursday, December 13, 2007

thanks eugene

eugene peterson that is translator of "the message"
two thoughts from a devotional by him
expanding on the scripture
"every good and perfect gift comes from above"
he states
"Therefore I don't have to be anxious. In a world of grace I do not live in laborious struggle trying to fashion a world that suits my needs and desires..... I simply discover and receive."

and here in is my greatest sin, the grumpy, mean-spirited, "this isn't all working out the way i wanted it to" thing... so i punish those around me by being short and annoyed with whatever situation is "not to my liking" silly, selfish, childish... i could go on but the main thing is
sinful... God is sovereign God is good I simply discover and receive....

the second thought

relates to the scripture
"grow in the grace and understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ"

our walk in God is described as growth, the change in our nature is immediate when being born again, but the change in "who we are" is an issue of perservering growth, choices, submission to the will of God, obedience when disobeying is so so so so so much easier

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Hey Chuck! We just got your letter in the mail and I decided to check out your blog. I just started one myself.....
The family is looking forward to reading your posts