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Saturday, November 24, 2007

back log

from art katz, an interesting thing to contemplate
the tree of life in the garden of eden, may have had some aspect of "death"
much as the cross was necessary for life to come to us, and so the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil may have appeared alot more attractive

bottom line on that thought, be very aware when you speak or act without prayer, time with God, leading from God, ... you are most likely acting from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and you don't know or are not accessing the tree of LIFE///

"Holy Holy Holy" ..."Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.." It would do us good to contemplate that no matter what the ups and downs are that are happening here in this passing world the songs in heaven NEVER change their tone or message... Maturity is measured in the ability to love and stay steady, and trusting in God no matter what the circumstances..///

Grace, rejoice, how often i fall into trouble when i forget how grateful and in love with God i should be based on His Amazing Grace, the depth of my evil, should cause the height of my praise to His glorious grace///

recently i spent some time with God just seeking to get to the root of 6 or 7 problems that i have identified in my life and i was suprised to see "fear" show up as the root as often as selfishness
only "lack of Love" which showed up once broke up the pattern of fear and selfishness...
my personality is to "control" and the fear rises when situations and people feel out of control

so God continue to help me recognize the roots and You, my loving God, take them out.///

Last thing Oswald "God never gives us discernment in order that we may criticize, but that we may intercede."

thanks for reading my ramblings ... hope they are somehow a blessing

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