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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Luke Chapter 1

It is the only gospel written specifically to a gentile, probably to inform them and prepare them to be fair at Paul's trials and sentencing. Historians say Mary was one of Luke's sources since he was not around for any of Yeshua's ministry. Pointing out that both Zechariah and Elizabeth are part of the priestly tribe of Levi, through Aaron, is beautiful. The priest has one job, to intercede between God and man and to reconcile man to God. Both of them lived "righteously and blamelessly" long before Yeshua went to the cross. How is that possible? The Law had many provisions for failure and covering (atonement), so it is not that they lived perfectly, but that they accessed the provision for "when" they failed. Gabriel is really excited to bring this message to Zechariah, Behold, look here, this is amazing, the long-awaited Messiah is coming and your boy gets to be the "Elijah-like" messenger that goes before HIM. Isn't that GREAT, WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC... and so when Zechariah responds with doubt...he is disciplined immediately. He was an old man a priest who had served in the presence of God from the time he was 30 years old. More was given to him, more was expected!
Mary is told "He will reign over the house of Jacob." At no time in no way, no matter what scholar or Bible teacher says otherwise there is no other way to interpret this than that, Yeshua will sit on David's throne and rule over the chosen people in the chosen land, PERIOD.
Mary, Miriam, in Hebrew, so young, so confused, but only asking "how" could it be. She is given grace and mercy and a more detailed answer from Gabriel. God's dealing with us is based on His knowledge of us, to them to whom more is given, more is expected.
How did Elizabeth know that Mary was the mother of the Lord? No telegraph, no internet, just the baby leaping in her womb. (I don't have a lot of experience with a 6-month-old baby leaping in the womb, but it must have been incredible!!)
The Magnificat - the name given to Mary's speech is filled with scriptural references and is beyond my ability to expound upon in less than 5 pages!
John the Baptist's birth is actually more famous at the time than the birth of Yeshua. Everyone around the area knew about it, he was in the community when he was born and all these signs and miracles accompanied his birth. The "Elijah-like" forerunner of the Messiah had come, unbelievably exciting.
Zechariah's speech is loaded with Messianic hope and expectation. John a part of the priestly family who would have automatically been a priest and expected to serve his time in Jerusalem, was instead "in the wilderness" until the time came for his ministry to be started. Good stuff, as Richard Show is famous for saying!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I’m trying

 Maybe you should be resting instead of trying?

Sunday, July 7, 2024


 63 years on this earth.

The Bible says I am decaying.

I agree.

Only one goal, to only do and say what He is doing and saying.