Revelation 15 Verses and References
Verse 1 –
The bowl (priestly service at the altar) judgments are introduced. The language
of plagues reminds us of Exodus. Micah 7:10-17. In the last days Moses had
prophesied that Israel would have a time trouble that would result in their
turning to God. Deut. 4:30, Amos 4:10
Verse 2 – (verses
2-4) are a mini-vision reminding us that the actions of God that are about to
be shown are the actions of the Just and True God. The sea of glass could be a
further reference to the Exodus story, the Red Sea, the cosmic evil being
contained and controlled. Isaiah 51:9-11, Psalm 74:12-15, Ezek. 32:2, Daniel
7:10-11. Alliances with the beast have
all been refused that is how they defeat the beast.
Verse 3 - The
song of Moses and of the Lamb again solidifies the connection with the Exodus.
Exodus 14:31, 15:1-18, Deut. 32, Deut. 28:59-60, Exodus 34:10, Amos 3:13, 4:13,
Psalm 86:10.
Verse 4 – Jer.
10:1-16, Psalm 86:9-10, Exodus 15:11, Deut. 33:26-27, Psalm 98:2, He reveals,
or manifests His righteous deeds in the sight of the nations. Psalm 98:9, Isaiah
Verse 5 –
The next vision is the lead in to the bowl judgments. The “testimony” in the
tabernacle is the 10 commandments. Exodus 16:34; 25:21; 31:18, 32:15. Our
testimony is that God keeps us faithful through trials. Rev. 12:11.
Verse 6 –
Seven plagues are the seven bowl judgments. Leviticus 26:21, Psalm 79:12. There are some texts that support the word
stone instead of linen and angels are spoken of as having clothing like stone
in Ezek. 28:13 (Lucifer) and Daniel 10:5-6. (Pure can also be used in reference
to stones.)
Verse 7 –
Bowls are mentioned about 30 times in conjunction with priestly service at the
altar, temple or tabernacle. The connection to the altar shows that this is
connected to God’s answer to the saints’ prayers for vindication. Isaiah 51:17,
Verse 8 –
Ultimately God is the source of these afflictions. Exodus 40:34-35: 2 Chron.
5:13; Isaiah 6:1,4; Ezek. 10:2-4. Ezek. 43:5 and 44:4 both speak of the glory
of God followed by judgment. Daniel 4:35
“No one could enter” this is an unprecedented time.