The Return of the Gods" by Jonathan Cahn is filled with subtle lies that twist the truth and will not lead people to the true Kingdom of God. It is false mainly because of the same reason all his other books were false. They do not recognize that Israel and Jerusalem are the center of prophecy and that the kingdom is in the age to come. The false foundation this book starts with is, America started as a "Christian nation" and the demons were cast out, then in the 1960's God was kicked out of the schools and that allowed for the return of the gods, false gods who since then have been manipulating culture and politics and bringing all kinds of evil upon this country. You would have to ignore slavery, the plethora of evils perpetrated on the Native American, the anti-semitism led by Charles Lindberg and Henry Ford prior to World War II, the anti-semitism blatant throughout the State Dept. during FDR's administration, the greed that drove powerful rich men to make employment in the USA a dangerous place to be with a 1 in 26 chance of being maimed or killed, the very existence of the Klu Klux Klan, the horrors perpetrated on various immigrant groups and the quota's placed on them in the 1920's that have become the basis of keeping people out of the country who face death in their own country and on and on. It is not hard to demonstrate that whatever your concept of a Christian nation is, the USA has never been that.
Apparently Jonathan has been reading Michael Heiser and some of his good scholarship on the existence of the gods in Jewish and other literature throughout time. The reason the lies are subtle is that a good case can be made for their existence and for them being put in charge of the nations, while the Lord God of Israel, chooses Israel as the nation He will be in charge of and he will use them to reach the other nations. We gentiles are put in the nations with the purpose of being drawn to the living God. At no time does the Bible say it is possible to displace these gods over the nations by means of prayer or revival. Daniel's prayers in chapter 9 are used by God to free up a messenger to get through and reveal important truths to Daniel, but the "prince of Persia" is still there and still wreaking havoc. This death and destruction is meant to point our hearts toward a longing for justice and peace, which is the Kingdom of God. Our time in the nations, in this evil age, is meant to make us long and search for the true God, to cry "Maranatha!" for His return, to set up His Kingdom here on earth, ruling and reigning from Jerusalem. We do not set up that Kingdom through some massive revival in a gentile nation. That is no where in scripture. No where.
What does the Bible say? In the millennial time, Israel as a nation that has experienced national conversion, will reach out to and see the conversion of the nations.
At this time, in what the Bible calls "this evil age" those of us in the mainly gentile gathering of followers of Yeshua reach out to our neighbors and community and spread the message of the forgiveness and love that God has shown on the cross and the glory of the soon coming Kingdom.
Hopefully as a disciple of Jesus, you will be drawn by the Spirit to test this book and find that it is a lie and that you would be better off examining the scriptures and the tried and tested authors who are out there. Art Katz, Charles Spurgeon, A.W. Tozer, Leonard Ravenhill, Andrew Murray, Watchman Nee, etc.