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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Love Simply

 My favorite scripture, So as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, gentleness and patience.  Col. 3:12 was shown to me visually the other day and the "Chosen" and "Beloved" words were surrounding the word "Holy", and the picture was saying to me, that when we are secure in His choosing us, and in being His beloved, then and only then, "Holy" can grow in us from a place of purity and rest, NOT FROM A PLACE OF PERFORMANCE AND TRYING HARDER.

We are His priests and we are the living sacrifice, SO, the place that we come to is a place of total death to self, so that with us securely and lovingly bound to the altar with cords of love, His Life is free to flow through us and we as priests are in the ultimate place where heaven meets earth, where the people we come into contact with are touched by the pure holy heart of God for their lives.

 We are all just helping each other get home.

It really is as simple as receive the love of God and give it away.

Love is sacrificial by nature, but it is totally unaware of it.

1 Cor. 13 is the most amazing thing ever written by a human, period.

Very blessed by Christmas gifts this year.  A nice card from my oldest, and a book about the history of the United States from the perspective of the indigenous peoples'.  That was a perfect gift because frequently I have thought that maybe part of the reason that the Kingdom of God is not coming to the followers of the Messiah in this country is because of the curse brought on it by the greed and evil of our ancestors who pushed and killed their way to land ownership.  David Brainerd was a missionary who sought to simply love the indigenous people and show them the heart of God, he did it right, but for every David Brainerd there were 1,000 greedy, self-centered, entitled idiots who specialized in stealing, killing and destroying...that should sound familiar, it is one of the very few descriptions of the work of satan found in the Bible.  Another gift was a revolver, a .22 with an eagle painted on it.  It was a gift of extravagant love, and a reminder of good times shared together.  Another gift was astronaut ice cream, again, a reminder of good times shared together at the Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.  Another gift has a homemade wrist bracelet in the pattern and colors that I asked for.  As always, a homemade gift is a gift of time and love and is much appreciated.  On the practical side, a hat and gloves and JIF peanut butter and jelly rounded out the gifts I received.  Practical gifts can remind you every time you use them that you are loved.

So good-bye 2020, my guess is, if we received all of your training, as training, we will be prepared for 2021.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 When you can't improve on something, you copy and paste...

"In pagan mythologies the gods had their consorts. And they were all divine, beautiful, powerful, influential.
In the Bible YHWH has also a wife - poor, sinful, unfaithful Israel, fallen and wallowing in her own blood and filthy rags (cf. Hosea and Ezekiel).
Paganism has always celebrated power, beauty, youth, fertility, influence, assertion.
YHWH is different. He decided to share his divine nature with what lies in the gutter.
For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.Luke 19:10
And in the process of this "seeking and saving" He went to the gutter Himself.
That, my friends, is the real, eternal, pagan, raw context of Christmas.
That's why before it being merry, Christmas is holy... and it will remain a mystery for pagans."

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


The one who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but the one who prophesies edifies the church. 1 Cor. 14:14

 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. 1 Cor. 14:18

 Felt really bulldozed, flattened, beat up by the current situation in health care and the challenges of extra work, changes and just being worn out. 

So I felt led to shut everything off and just pray in tongues 1/2 way into work on my drive. God really did edify me and by the time I got there I felt ready to walk in and start the whole 8 hour shift with His Life and Spirit in me.

 I know various things and factions have made it controversial, but our goal is always to let the Word of God change us, not to change the Word of God, right?

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Devastating, Faithful Love

 "Just as I watched over them to uproot and tear them down, to demolish, destroy, and bring disaster, so will I be attentive to build them and to plant them," declares the LORD.   Jeremiah 31:28

“And I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will faithfully plant them in this land with all My heart and with all My soul."  Jeremiah 32:41  THAT IS ALMIGHTY GOD TALKING, DO YOU GET IT?  

BEHOLD the goodness and the severity of God.  

When you choose to turn from love, love will do whatever it takes to turn you around.  

Love is faithful.

Love is fully committed.

Love is all in!