You cannot say, "Have Your way in my life Lord."
and at the same time be holding something precious
to you behind your back, like a little child.
When we pray, "God we want to know Your will."
but we have a program, a method, or a building,
that we have decided is not something we will ever see,
or allow to be changed...there we sit.
Our words are saying one thing, but our actions are saying the complete opposite.
Surrender is absolute, full, total, complete or it is not surrender.
The unwillingness to see the fulness of His Son, poured out on His body NEVER, EVER finds its source in the Giver of every good thing.
May God in His mercy pour out repentance for the blatant self-centeredness of choosing to go away sad,
and thereby block the healing, restoring work of God,
instead of answering the call to give it all away.