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Thursday, November 19, 2020

What's That Behind Your Back?

You cannot say, "Have Your way in my life Lord."

 and at the same time be holding something precious

 to you behind your back, like a little child.

When we pray, "God we want to know Your will."

but we have a program, a method, or a building,

 that we have decided is not something we will ever see,

 or allow to be changed...there we sit.

Our words are saying one thing, but our actions are saying the complete opposite.

Surrender is absolute, full, total, complete or it is not surrender.

The unwillingness to see the fulness of His Son, poured out on His body NEVER, EVER finds its source in the Giver of every good thing.

May God in His mercy pour out repentance for the blatant self-centeredness of choosing to go away sad,

and thereby block the healing, restoring work of God,

instead of answering the call to give it all away.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

MANY Random thoughts

 Luther went off on the Jews when he saw that their obstinacy threatened the reformation.  Their obstinacy did not threaten the truth or the kingdom of God, it threatened his kingdom and his response was pure evil.

The power of the lie is totally contained in the person believing the lie.  

the power of the truth is true power, in alignment with God.  The lie will eventually fade, the truth never will.

The goal is to meet with HIM.  There above the mercy seat and under the covering wings of the angels the goal is simply to meet with Him and out of that meeting bring His life.

There was real bread in the holy place, real practical help, real practical nutrition.  This can never be just a spiritual help.

The light decreases from the outer courts to the holy place (menorah) to the holy of holies (no light just the glory of God).

the condition to truly hear from God is to be destitute

Monday, November 16, 2020

Dig Channels, Ditches, Trenches

@ Kings 3:15-18 "Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him. 16 And he said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ 17 For thus says the Lord: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.’" 

 Sometimes the Lord gives a word as you are listening to another word. 


 He highlights it, and says, 

"That right there is what I am saying right now." 

Listening to Art Katz yesterday morning and got the final piece of what I was given while praying for our little gathering of believers. 

Dig deep channels.

Simple as that, a pretty general statement that I would sum up by saying, prepare, there is no water now but water is coming, dig deep channels to handle what I am about to pour out.  

A very encouraging word, from a very encouraging, merciful God.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Just Your Trust

A friend is having religion broken off of her step by painful step and this was the latest revelation given to help her out from under the heavy weight of performance God said,
"I don't want your efforts I just want your trust."

Tuesday, November 3, 2020



Genesis 32:27 The man asked him, “What is your name?”

“Jacob,” he answered.


One other time when asked, Jacob had deceived his father Isaac, and

answered the question, "Esau".

This time in the presence of the angel of the Lord, we get the honest

answer.  The answer that reveals a name that means, cheater, supplanter,

 one who takes the heel.  

It is in this place of providing an honest answer, the admission of the 

guilt of who we are, that opens the door for us to be given a new name.

Admitting who we are allows the release of His life.

We are transacting with God on His terms.