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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Transfirguration - It Ain't Over Till It's Over

"were speaking of His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem." Luke 9:31 Only Luke gives us insight into what Moses and Elijah were talking about. His departure would be the cross and its seeming defeat. The cross and its seeming failure. The cross and the appearance of unfinished business. A Messiah who did not bring peace, elevate Israel, and reign as a King from Jerusalem. Moses and Elijah are perfect for this job. Moses who had the unfinished business of not being allowed to enter the promised land. Elijah who was taken to heaven at a time when Ahab and Jezebel were still ruling and reigning and when some things that he was supposed to see accomplished were undone and left for Elisha to perform. So there is hope when we do not see the results we had hoped for. There is hope when this life goes not at all go as planned. There is hope when a cross appears and looms so large you cannot see beyond it. Life triumphs. His Life is eternal. Mercy triumphs over judgment. There is hope.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

TRUST defined




Supernatural help comes 


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

In Love With a Girl

The book of Ruth is a deep well that you can return to again and again for a fresh drink. This gentile woman who loved her Jewish mother-in-law so deeply that she left, home and kindred and went to a place she new not of, just like Abraham was called to do. This convert, who desired the God of Israel above all else. This humble servant, who never attempted deception or manipulation. This (former) Moabite, who did not try to convert Israelites to the Baal god or false worship, no not this girl, she erased the memory of all such deception with the simple words, "I am Ruth, spread your wings over me to cover me." She followed Naomi even though she was offered no way of having offspring or getting married. She just loved. She just served. Simple acts, that preserved the line of King David and the Messiah.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Tower Builders vs. God Worshippers

In Genesis 11 we see people who are out to build a tower to make a name for themselves.  The unity that they had would have caused them to be able to do so many things and to never call on the name of God.  So God in mercy destroys that unity and sets out to choose one family and call them to a life of worshiping Him and making His name great and being a blessing to the nations.
It turns out this is a process.  Abram's first interaction with Pharoah, is not much of a blessing to the nations, but God redeems it all and fixes it.  Abram's next interaction with Abimilech is a little improvement and God refers to him as a prophet, but only the intervention of God saves the day.  Abram is beginning to the know the God he serves, beginning to trust the God he serves.  Their relationship is building and growing.  It seems the way to worship God and make His name great is to love your brother and lay down your life for your brother.