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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

But Doesn't He Need My Help?

I am done trying
I am done striving
Dead people
I want to see and be
Dead people
God works through
Dead people
Dead people

Friday, March 23, 2018

All I have ever shown to you is mercy!

Went for a long walk with the dog on Friday, seeking for direction and a specific answer.
2 hours and 57  minutes later the dog and I returned, no direction, no specific answer, but
with this golden nugget from the heart of God...

I felt He said to me...

All I have ever shown to you is mercy!

Praise God, I stopped, wrote it down and felt the overwhelming beauty of that truth.
Oh to let that merciful life flow through me to others!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018



(all of our pride lying in the dust)
(everything that is in us that is
depending on self, that believes
there is even a millionth of a millionth
of a fraction of a part of me that is good
MAKE IT gone)
(the prince of this world comes... he has
nothing in Me, the Father is my life,
my strength, my all)
(everything that God is doing in my life
is a loving, jealous effort to root out of me
anything that acts independently of His
moment by moment life, love, and power)
(everything that happens is an effort on His
part to break me of the mindset that, right at
this moment, "I got this.")
(God's life, which includes His wisdom,
peace, hope, love, and power is what His
death on the cross has made available to us)
(The cost is simple, be a moment by moment
living sacrifice, be dead!)
(be dead to your own life, peace, hope, love
or power, just simply be dead)
(the more dead you are, the more in Messiah
you are)
(that simple)

"Who is blind but My servant,
Or deaf as My messenger whom I send?
Who is blind as he who is perfect,
And blind as the Lord’s servant?"
Isaiah 42:19

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Behold and Be Held... and then

After almost 18 years of training I am receiving the grace to listen and care for the hearts that are around me.  One of those precious hearts is often granted great insight into the heart of God.  She probably always was but now I am listening.
"Behold and be held"
That is what she said today and one day I would like us to be working on a blog together, but until that day this will have to suffice.
Behold - this is actually the scriptural way that a heart is transformed.  "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.." 2 Corinthians 3:18

Grace and mercy drag us to a place of having our eyes opened to the terrible beauty of the cross and His love displayed, and a work begins in our heart...Behold

...and be held.  We live in a fallen world and the sins of the fathers are passed down, but the God who is love can enter our world in every area where sin has left us broken, we can show Him that bruise, that boo-boo, and His kiss can make it better..

and then ... when we have been transformed by beholding

when we have been healed by being held

then we can enter into the fray of the world, behind enemy lines, as a living sacrifice, secure in a place of rest and trust in the total salvation (Yeshuwah) of God that cannot be shaken.

Daniel 9 is our guide, Jeremiah is our living example, allow the beautiful humility that went down into the waters of John the Baptist's baptism in the Jordan river, allow that kind of overwhelming humility to turn your prideful, arrogant, stinking to high heaven, "they" into a gentle, peaceful, restful, shaom-filled, "we".  We cry out for their forgiveness because it is our forgiveness.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Simplicity Removes All Boasting

Iron sharpens iron... these thoughts proceed from a long talk with a friend yesterday.
"But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ."  (NASB) 2 Corin. 11:3  

"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."  (Webster's Bible) 2 Corin. 11:3

The NASB translation is honest with you, it puts "of devotion" in italics to indicate to you that those words are not in the original words that Paul by the Holy Spirit wrote to the believers in Corinth. They added those words to make the sentence flow better, but in doing so (IMO) they perpetuated some of the serpents subtle, deceiving ways.

Read the NASB again slowly.  By adding "of devotion" isn't there a subtle twist putting the emphasis on something that you are doing?

Read the Webster's again slowly.  The Messiah is the simplicity of where our minds dwell.  He has completed all the works, we dwell in a place of fullness, and rest and trust in Him.  When we dwell there we are free from the serpent's lies that God is with holding love from us.  Satan says, "God doesn't want you DOING this because He knows how great it will make you."  The flip side of that subtle lie is, your devotion to Christ is paramount, No, no, no, a thousand times no!  From a place of resting and trusting in the Son's devotion to the Father - we LIVE!  That is a truly unshakeable place, that is a place of rest from striving, that is a place of simplicity.  It's Him, It's Him, It's Him!!
THE SIMPLICITY AND PURITY IS IN CHRIST, IN THE MESSIAH!  The simplicity and purity is not in our devotion to Christ, that puts the emphasis back on us and what we are doing, that is subtle.
This is not just semantics, this is life and death.  I pray that the eyes of our hearts are open to the truth.