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Thursday, August 25, 2016

The filling of the Holy Spirit

This quote confirmed and made clear my thoughts on the filling of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life.

He shall bring forth from us the sweet music!
(Frederick Marsh)

Mendelssohn, on one occasion, hearing an organ being played--asked permission to play it for a few minutes. The organist reminded Mendelssohn that he was a total stranger to him--and that strangers were not allowed to touch the valuable instrument.

At last permission granted, and then Mendelssohn brought forth such music from the organ as to make the organist weep! Ah! But before the music came forth, there were two things necessary:
  the first was, the instrument had to be abandoned to Mendelssohn;
  and the second, Mendelssohn had to take control of it.

The same is true with us in the spiritual realm. There must be the entire surrender to Christ first--and then He shall bring forth from us the sweet music of . . .
   a holy heart,
   a lovely character,
   a gentle disposition,
   a surpassing peace,
   a sweet humility,
   a lowly service,
   a beautiful sympathy,
   and a Christlike life!

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship!" Romans 12:1

So what I got from that was, being "born again" is where we experience a true and deep conversion, we see ourselves clearly as dead 'in Adam' and we cry out for the forgiveness and life of Jesus.  Then as we walk for a little while we see within ourselves a deeper need, and we give complete control in what Art Katz calls the "continual turning to the cross" and the Holy Spirit fills us, again and again as we turn over the situations and area's of our lives where "we" are still very much alive and slowly but surely  His love conquers our land and our lives are transformed.

Monday, August 15, 2016

A change in the priesthood

There has been a change in the priesthood. The intercession between God and man at the initial time was to go through the "camp" and cleanse the people by the use of the sword, that violent act set apart the tribe of Levi as priests. The intercession called for by the new high priest is to go through the camp laying down our lives for the others, by the life, love, grace and mercy of God. ....

Friday, August 12, 2016

Humility or bust

               In Christ, there is no such thing as a story beyond redemption. There is only resurrection, restoration, and rejoicing, even in the most unlikely of circumstances and with the most unlikely of subjects, like me!
D              My son, Christian, and I were discussing "great" philosophers today and the truth was revealed that without humility, these philosophies are empty and do not do any good, "down here" in the real world. 
                          His life in me produces humility, is the source of true

             humility.  His life, such a gift, and in that gift, I am, "At rest, in Him."

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Rest=Noah=the dwelling place of grace

"Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."  Genesis 6:8

  Noah means 'rest' so substitute, "Rest" in this verse for Noah.

"Rest found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
Rest is the home where grace dwells!
When we are
 at rest in Him,
 grace can freely move in us.  

Monday, August 8, 2016

The power greater than self

"The only power greater than self is the cross."  Art Katz from the speaking "Two Wisdoms"

Jesus was "marred more than any man." There is coming a time of tribulation, like "no other that has been previously". We follow the Lamb, Jesus was "forsaken", but through that sacrificial love has made the way so that no matter what the tribulation (the great one) holds for us, we will never be forsaken, never be left alone. Our witness to the unsaved Jewish nation during that time is the witness of a people who are totally free of the manipulation of the principalities and powers. It will be evident beyond dispute that the sacrificial love that we are showing is "other worldly", it will be to the glory of God, it will point to the Lamb. As a corporate body we will be a "spirit of prophecy" a physical people who are a "testimony of Jesus".

2nd Corinthians 3:18, "And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit."    What unveiled our face?  I would answer "suffering" brought to us sovereignly in love by the hand of God to root up, tear down and eliminate self in all of its subtle and cunning ways from our hearts.  We are transformed when we see Jesus, suffering brings crisis and weakness that tears the veil, when the "church" loses the apostolic understanding of suffering, it receives the "grace of God in vain", there is no penetration and impartation of the grace of God. Only revelation no flesh and blood education can bring about this change. Desperate, real, humble ... a broken corporate people.

It would be a worthwhile study to examine 3 verses that speak of receiving the "grace of God in vain." 1 Cor. 15:10, 2 Cor. 6:1, Gal. 2:21.

"We have, we are, the first fruits of the millennial fulfillment of a people who are a witness and a light to the nations - without usurping the millennial destiny of the people who are inscribed on the palm of His hand." Reggie

Friday, August 5, 2016

At rest, in Him.

Ezekiel 33:25,26  The Voice
"25 Because they continue in their false hope, go give them this message from the Eternal Lord: “You eat raw meat with blood still in it, you worship idols, and you shed innocent blood. Do you really think you are worthy of owning the land of Israel? 26 You rely on your own strength in battle, you do shocking things, and you all partake in adulterous sex with your neighbors’ wives. Do you really think you are worthy of owning the land?”  

 I put that one section in a larger font because it is amazing how God equates relying on our own strength with "shocking" sins.  It is a blessing to Him, a testimony to His name and His faithfulness when we rest and trust in Him.  He will vindicate, He will defend, He will be all we need.  Rest in Him.