Mark 9:28 When He came into the house, His disciples began questioning Him privately, "Why could we not drive it out?"
This question indicates that the disciples were used to seeing deliverance. They were used to seeing healing.
I am very aware that "Kingdom Now" theology is wrong, because it robs from the amazing foretold work of God with Israel in the millennial reign, BUT, while recognizing that all that the 'church' gets now is a down payment, an allowance but not the whole inheritance, I think we have settled for a penny or a quarter allowance, when God would have us to have a 5 dollar allowance. Hunger, desire, desperation, draws out the heart and the power of God. When we have that hunger purified by a desire to give glory always and only to Him...then...there will be a breaking forth, such as we have not seen. Amen, Maranatha!
This question indicates that the disciples were used to seeing deliverance. They were used to seeing healing.
I am very aware that "Kingdom Now" theology is wrong, because it robs from the amazing foretold work of God with Israel in the millennial reign, BUT, while recognizing that all that the 'church' gets now is a down payment, an allowance but not the whole inheritance, I think we have settled for a penny or a quarter allowance, when God would have us to have a 5 dollar allowance. Hunger, desire, desperation, draws out the heart and the power of God. When we have that hunger purified by a desire to give glory always and only to Him...then...there will be a breaking forth, such as we have not seen. Amen, Maranatha!