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Monday, August 24, 2009


neat idea that our pastor got at a conference
1 - 1 - 1
Pray for 1 person at 1 o'clock for 1 month

Asked God to give me a name and He did
and now we are starting on "the way"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

words release power

Unfortunately both good and evil power.
While going thru an intense time with one of our children the other day.
I walked down to confront the situation and on the way, God had me stop and
go around church in our town. God made very clear to me that part of what
we, as parents, were battling in this situation was "evil powers" released by the
words of other Christians. Words spoken in anger, or envy, or malice that REALLY and TRULY
released an attack of evil spirits on our son.
I could not think of others at that point, as I was convicted in my heart of words and thoughts directed against others. I repented in tears for the "idle words" that were bringing death and I prayed to pick up the grace that is available to speak words of life and grace to and about others.

Father, forgive us, and heal us.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

it's simple


God teach us how to love
Fill us with Your love and let Your love touch others thru us
Use us for Your glory

it's simple
